Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Choice Has Been Made


Quite a while ago, actually. It was suspenseful for a while. After going from Villa Terrace, to the Charles Allis, to the Pfister, Intercontinental, Hilton, Humphrey Scottish Rite, the Grain Exchange, Hotel Astor, and the Tripoli Shrine, we decided the Pfister it was. Thanks to Kat Krueger who helped us pick out November 26th as a great date!


Friday, September 9, 2011


2 Drinking 4 3 

For the next stop on the tour, Alix and Joe decided to host a Chinese dinner in Grafton. For whatever insane idea, I thought I would bike up. After making everyone suffer through a spandex-laden jon, we got down to dinner. Unsurprisingly, Will was more interested in donuts than chicken, with Joe almost totally undermining any hope of Alix's reasonable bargain working. Chicken, then donuts. that's just how it works. Jeez Joe.

Get Ready 

Hey, look how my camera was nice enough to be out of batteries. A situation which was quickly remedied by the Riley's very own SLR. This trip required the n/a champagne due to the baby which is due on the wedding date. NA champagne, for the uninitiated, is pretty much peach soda. Awesome, awesome peach soda. Unfortunately, that meant I couldn't saber the bottle. In retrospect, I probably could have. However, that would have really made a mess in Alix's kitchen

Just Like the Real Thing

Once we got Alix 'drunk' on sugar and peaches, she gave us the sorted tale of intruig and jealousy that was the beggings of their relationship. Of which I will all detail now. Or not.


The only thing missing is the awesome pun opportunities missed because Alix took Joe's last name. 'Cause then she'd have an "Erb in the Oven". And going over would be "Visiting the Erb Garden" (the kids). And we could say the kids are made of "Erbs and Spice which is everything nice". And, well, you get the picture.

Thanks for having us Joe and Alix!!!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Engagement Tour 2011, Bay View

The first couple on engagement tour 2011, Ellie & Dave. And let me tell you, they went all out. A spread of beans, corn, burgers, and beer. I'll take it any day of the week.

Then champagne. Well, that skips a few steps. So, I'll let you in. We had a delightful discussion of how we met, how they met, and how we all met each other. A time to discuss what our friendship meant, and what we meant as couples.

Then Dave decided to treat us all to a parlour trick. The "Sabered Open". Yes, passed down from generations old, Dave passed it along to me.

Then Ellie went a little crazy. I swear she chased us for like five hours. I have never been so fearful in my life.


We went round and round and round and round.


Then they all teamed up. Kidding of course. We tried a group photo. But, failed horribly. This is the best I got.


Well, I was sort of kidding. Don't remember the last time I saw someone have so much fun with a knife.


And then, it was time for Jon to shine. I whacked at that thing three times with no result. Dave came up to show me the proper way, and it started to make this wrenching, cracking, crackling noise. Dave backed up, a changed my angle of attack, and BOOM! Champagne fountain! (Not Pictured)


And then time to pour, and search for the missing cork. I swear we spent twenty minutes yucking it up in the front yard without any light looking for a cork. How silly.


Then  the cards were played.


And I got to use this awesome glass. It covered up my mustache a bit, but it did have cold delicious water.



Jon & Kat